Our Special New Year's Eve Service was an amazing way to start end the past year and start the new. We want to take the time to say that we love you appreciate you and invite you to join us in-person or online. Here's a recap as well as some events to look forward to.

Wow! We closed 2023 with great energy and excitement as we praised the Lord all the way into 2024! Wasn’t it a blessing to share New Year’s Eve together? Yes, I know that some were not able to be with us in the building, but I know that God’s presence was still strongly experienced by them at home. We prayed for our whole Hope City family!
And now, we are entering 2024 carrying that same expectation that God’s goodness will overtake us throughout this year. We believe in you, Maruschka, and are confident that you will do GREATER WORKS for Jesus than you have in the past. People all around you are waiting for God’s life to flow through you to positively impact them. Jesus said it best:
"Most assuredly, I say to you, he who believes in Me, the works that I do he will do also; and greater works than these he will do, because I go to My Father."
— John 14:12 NKJ
Join me as I read through the entire Bible in 2024
It only takes about 25 minutes a day when reading for 25 days a month. I have attached the printable file that you can save on your computer/tablet, or print. However, you can receive my morning email so you can read it at the start of your day!
What else is coming up?
Let’s start the new year by celebrating Jesus’ wonderful work on the cross. Join us at Hope City for communion this Sunday, January 7! Then we have a mini-series with Mary Alice Isleib!
Let's plan to grow together in January! We look forward to seeing you soon!
God bless you!
Pastor Randy